C\ Gabiria nº 112-114-146 Pº Ventas
20305 Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562 | Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com

C\ Gabiria nº 112-114-146
Pº Ventas 20305
Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562
Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com


PT100 , PT1000 Temperature probe

The range of use of the temperature probes depends on the construction type manufactured and on the type of temperature probe used. By way of general information, it can be assumed that a pt100 temperature probe with direct output to the cable can operate between -50ºC and 250ºC depending on the cable type and on the measurements of the protection sleeve. In the case of temperature probes with connection head the most usual range covers -50ºC to 500ºC. It is always worth indicating the operating temperature for the purpose of choosing the most suitable construction and materials. As a guide, the most usual constructions are shown below, although in many cases they are described by the customer's own drawings and specifications.

1.- Probe with DIN head type C and lead thread
2.- Straight Pt-100 probe with stainless steel handle
3.- Pt-100 probe with handle
4.- Silicon cable clamp
5.- Silicon cable groove
6.- Magnetic probe
7.- Direct output Pt-100 probe with spring
8.- Direct output to cable Pt-100 probe
9.- Pt-100 probe with lead thread
10.- Probe with flameproof Atex head with thread and neck
11.- DIN B head with fixed thread attached to the head
12.- NA head with thread attached to the head
13.- Probe with PVC head with Teflon coating
14.- Probes with KN head and lead thread
15.- Pt-100 probe with DIN 43650 connector
16.- Probe with insertion tube
17.- Outdoors
18.- Part with silicon cable
19.- Part with Teflon cable
20.- Harshness Pt-100
21.- Bayonet probe silicon cable
22.- Pt-100 probe with DIN 43650 connector
23.- Pt-100 screw probe with MFA cable
24.- Screw type Pt-100 probe

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